TR Doktor
Children Cyst Laparoscopy Ovary Torsion

Laparoscopy is the Gold Standard in Ovarian Pathologies in Childhood: Clinical Evaluation and Literature Review

Yazar: Op. Dr. Nil Yaşam Taştekin

OBJECTIVE: Ovarian cysts and related torsions are the most common adnexial pathologies in child- hood. Diagnostic laparoscopy is the gold standard approach for differential diagnosis. It is aimed to eval- uate the data of patients who had surgery for ovarian pathology.

STUDY DESIGN: Fifty-three girls of ten years are included the study. Demographic data, medical his- tory, physical examination, laboratory and radiologic investigations, surgical procedure, histopathology, complications and follow up periods are recorded.

RESULTS: The median age of children was 13. Excluding the patients who were diagnosed in in- trauterine period (n=4), all of the patients had abdominal pain (92%). Laparoscopic cystectomy (56.7%), detorsion and cystectomy (16.9%) and oopherectomy (16.9%) were performed in patients with cysts. Diagnostic laparoscopy (3,8%) and laparoscopic detorsion (5.7%) were performed in patients without cyst. Dermoid cysts were found in three children and teratomas in two. Patients were discharged in postoperative second day.

CONCLUSION: Diagnostic laparoscopy is the gold standard approach for differential diagnosis. Laparoscopic approach should be chosen because of shorter hospital stay, shorter healing period, and better cosmetic results. Besides, less pelvic adhesions compared to laparotomy in laparoscopy is im- portant for further fertility.

Op. Dr. Nil Yaşam Taştekin İsimli Yazarın Diğer Yazıları

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